He had committed what to the Lizardmen was surely the most heinous of blasphemies, taking particular delight in the defeat and capture of a number of Mage-Priests, who were sacrificed in obscene rituals to the Prince of Pleasure. The servant of Slaanesh had despoiled his way across Lustria during the Great Catastrophe. Slaa'Ulaan, a Daemon Prince referred to in the archives as 'the nether-thing of the second moon', was amongst the most vile and destructive fiends of Chaos ever to wage war against the Lizardmen. It was during the year of the Jade Star Sea (2223IC) that an echo of the Great Catastrophe came to Lustria.

Only the most powerful of the Slann are permuted to contemplate from Xlanuapec’s Eternity Chamber and while in other cities there may be entire regiments of Temple Guard stationed at their defence, here Chakax stands alone in his silent vigil and he has never allowed a Slann under his protection to fall slaughtering entire legions of enemies who dared try, (Even a Daemon Prince of Slaanesh) all of them meeting their end beneath the deadly 2 handed swings of his Star-Stone Mace.Ĭhakax's finest moment was perhaps when he faced off against a Daemon Prince of Slaanesh. Chakax is one of those sacred few and has been known to hold his post for centuries at a time, standing so still that insects might land upon him freely. Even with the near-immortal lifespan of the Saurus, very few among them ever prove themselves worthy enough to become a Temple Guard and protect a Slann Mage-Priests in their most vulnerable moments as they meditate in their chambers and of those few who become Temple Guards, only a handful are ever raised to the sacred rank of “Eternity Warden”. 2K A Total War Saga: Thrones of BritanniaĬhakax The Eternity warden is the greatest living Temple Guard of Xlanhuapec, the City of Mists.846 A Total War Saga: Fall of the Samurai.